Isleta Pueblo
The Pueblo of Isleta Social Services Department is the tribe’s primary tribal child welfare and child protection agency located on the Isleta Reservation. Social Services program components include:
Child and Adult Protection Services;
Child and Family Welfare;
Tribal General (financial) Assistance;
Family Violence Prevention and Services;
Promoting Safe and Stable Families;
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) Program;
Foster Care;
Domestic Violence,
Child Forensic Interviewing and Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Services.
The Department components intertwine the services delivery elements that address child abuse and neglect, adult and elder abuse and neglect, exploitation, substance abuse and domestic violence. The Department’s vision is based and grounded on a strong foundations of basic human, moral, spiritual and cultural values. Such values include respect for the dignity and sanctity of the human being without taking into account factors such as religion, economic status, gender, age, or other “labels” which society unjustly bestows upon individuals to perpetuate oppression. We recognize that social determinates in our societies are often misrepresented and out vision is to impact social and economic justice in a meaningful manner, thereby encouraging our tribal members to be the best they can be for themselves and for one another. We recognize parental rights, children’s rights and the right of any person to pursue, in dignity, his or her own destiny. The families and children that we serve demand and deserve our best efforts.
The program’s philosophy lies in the application and practice on a continuum of services delivery that demonstrates coordinated efforts with partners that share a vision of improved outcomes for children and families. This is the vehicle which drives our best practice approach which is guided by Trauma Informed Care and recognizes the multi-generational influences that impact our community. We embrace healing, recovery and reconciliation. Because we cannot do this work alone, the Department embraces the partnerships and collaboration with Isleta services providers and with our partners outside of the pueblo.
The Department is an active member of the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women and the New Mexico Tribal Indian Child Welfare Consortium (NMTIC).
Pueblo of Isleta
Social Services
Contact Information:
Mailing: Physical
P.O. Box 1270 805 Blythe Road
Isleta, NM 87022 Los Lunas, NM 87031
Phone: Fax:
(505) 869-2772 (505) 869-7575
For more information, visit:
Pueblo of Isleta Social Services Staff:
Jacqueline Yalch, Social Services Director
(505) 869-5288
Nicole Panteah, Administrative Assistant
(505) 869-2772
Patricia Abeita, Supervisor Social Worker
(505) 869-5282
Meighen Nieto, Family Social Worker
(505) 869-9754
Larry Lucero, Case Worker
(505) 869-5285
Michelle Taptto, Family Interventionist
(505) 869-5287
Stacie Oso, ICWA Coordinator
(505) 869-5283
K’ewah Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Program
Reyes Abeita, Project Coordinator
(505) 869-7577
Marissa Abeita, Project Assistant
(505) 869-5284
All ICWA/IFPA inquiries should be directed to Jacqueline Yalch and Stacie Oso.
For after hours or weekend emergencies, contact Isleta Police Department at 505-869-3030 and request to speak with the ISS on-call worker.